Since about May of this year, I ve been experiencing itching around my left armpit and down my ribcage with no visible rash. I hadn t introduced new soaps or shampoos or deodorants at the time. Regardless, I switched everything out. Now it s August, and I itch on both my left and right sides, same areas, still no rash, and now it s expanded to my upper back in the grooves between the shoulder blades and the front of my pecks, the nipples mainly. I typically have dry skin and use a non-scented moisturizer with limited effect. The itch is not constant, though. Somedays, I go the whole day without itching. I also don t notice a commonality, such as when I ingest certain foods, etc. I send my clothes out to be laundered and have been going to the same place for months without incident. I ve asked if they switched a new detergent and they said, no, but I don t know for sure. (English is not their first language.) The only thing I notice is that if I m stressed or sweating a lot, the itch comes back. I don t know if it s topical or internal, and I feel both stupid and alarmed by it.