Hi, I don't know if anyone can help me-I just stumbled across this site, I mentioned my problem to my doctor once and he said there was nothing wrong, and it's now on my permanent records which embarrasses me, and I am too embarrassed to ask again. I am only 21, and I have been suffering from --not diarrhea as such, but loose stools--and some gas since I was maybe 14. i never had the problem until one day it just came upon me. the problem is its not real water diarrhea, but I can't control it, and sometimes have to go severeal times (maybe 3) in a morning within half an hour, and sometimes its multiple times a day. But the other problem is its not regular! It comes for a few days, and then gets a little better, and then gets worse and better....sometimes it happens for days before my period, and sometimes during the period, but other times its just anytime. It's ruining my life. I've never had a boyfriend and I don't think I will ever get married, and it's so embarrassing that I hate doing things with people. I have tried to change my diet, (not severely but different things), I have tried more fiber diet, but I don't know how much, and what foods....
can you help???