I have multiple mouth ulcers in Soft Palate, Area Below the tongue and also inside the lips both sides.Around 30+ mouth ulcers to be precise.
I have had mouth ulcer problem as long as i can remember. But usually i used to get 3-4 maximum. I never got 20-30 at a time.
What could be the reason of this ?
BTW, my ulcers are recovering and i feel much better than 3-4 days ago.
I was worried as some friends suggested Oral Ulcers could be a sign of Herpes or HIV.
Some more information -
My life style has been very bad -
1) I work late at nights. Many times up all night.
2) Eat junk food and fried stuff.
3) Have had GERD and acidity in past.
4) One day before catching sores i had eaten fried, spicy stuff.
5) Had Unprotected Cunnilingus with a person with unknown HIV status.
I got myself tested for Blood, Sugar and TSH on Saturday when the ulcers were at their peak. All reports were fine.
Lymphocytes count was 33% and all other factors good.
Eosoniphil count 10.