i have arachnoiditis from pantopaque dye (a petroleum base iodine contrast ) that was injected in my lumbar spine with two doses and the table was tilted upside down to reach my cervical spine I was instructed to hold my head up so the pantopaque dye dosent go into my brain unfortunately instead of removing the dye within 30 min itwas left in my spine for two and a half months and twenty doctors later, until a neuro-surgeon sent me to a second neuro-surgeon at NYU to corroborate his diagnosis and treatment plan to remove the dye. p.s. the first neuro-surgeon attempted to remove the dye and did it by feel without the aid of fluroscopy and stabbed me in my spinal chord. I screamed - he took out the needle without removing the dye. It is now thirty-five years later. I ve been diagnosed with cancer of the brain, cancer of the spine (incorrect), multiple sclerosis, spinal stenosis, three herniated discs, scoliosis. By the way, the reason I went for a mylogram thirty years ago was for a numbness in my left thigh which disappeared two weeks later. I was in excruciating pain after the procedure and I had l05 degree fever. At the present time, my pain is mainly in my feet and toes. It feels like a thousand needles stabbing and burning. I should also add I have neuropathy and find it impossible to balance and walk due to this and the pain. I was allergic to Lyrica - my tongue started to swell up and had a hard time trying Neurotin. It made me very lethargic. I also was treated with ten 80 miligrams of Oxycontin and 8 thirty miligrams of Oxycodin which I got off of because I told the doctor I lept building up a tolerance for the drug and required higher and higher doses which caused me to develop a paralytic colon or sluggish colon. I am still taking one 30 miligram tablet at night with a ten miligram valium. A neurologist at Cornell is suggesting I take Cymbalta, 30 miligrams once a day. I am trying to stop the Oxycodin and Valium which takes the edge off the pain in my feet. I looked up Cymbalta to see if there would be a problem stopping the drug if I had to. To my dismay, the doctor on the internet said that it is nearly impossible to wean off of because of the doses of 60 miligrams and 30 miligrams, resulting in horrible withdrawal symptoms. What do you suggest? Please help - desperate and broke.