So I'm 19, I smoked spice (synthetic marijuana-- Possibly mind-altering and dangerous. But this was the only time I've done it.) on September, had a panic attack, and after a week I felt normal. I smoked actual marijuana early this month (the 9th) and suddenly I went through a huge panic phase where I had lost of appetite, nausea, constant anxiety, derealization, loss of concentration, loss of interest in things that I like, and I couldn't go to school or work because I would panic. Finally I overcame my fear in 2 weeks (Actually hit the second week from when I smoked the marijuana today) and my appetite came back, and I'm no longer afraid to be at work or school. My doctor gave prescribed me 12 Ativans (0.5 MG) ever 6 hours last Friday, but by Tuesday I no longer required them, and in truth only ended up taking 2 overall.
However, now I have this problem with concentration. When people talk to me while I'm focusing on TV or computer all I hear is words and I don't end up hearing what they say. When focusing on stringing up lights for Christmas and I'm untangling them, I kind of get confused at what I'm looking at and it gets a little more difficult to untangle them.
I'm not sure whether or not to say this is a result of my anxiety, or if I'm going crazy from something else! My doctor hasn't actually given me a name for what I'm going through (infact, he says I'm probably just worrying myself sick). I'm scared I have some kind of cognitive disorder or something. This morning I freaked out because I was afraid I was becoming Schizophrenic, but now I kind of doubt that because I don't have any serious symptoms that would reflect that.
After 2 weeks I've gotten over nearly all none cognitive symptoms. I have an appetite, I'm not longer nauseated, I only get anxious when I think about possible disorders. However, my cognitive abilities are pretty bad. Am I getting better? Was this whole thing only a phase? Is this a result of my panic attack in September and the marijuana I did in November? And, Will my cognitive abilities return to normal? Am I dealing with some kind of anxiety disorder, or something more serious?
Thank you!