I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain piles or Hemorrhoids occurs due to swelling and inflammation of veins in the anal region and can occur due to excessive straining during bowel movement or
vaginal delivery or childbirth, prolonged sitting, constipation and Excessive diarrhea etc..
Anal fissure can occur due to tear in anal mucosa known as Anoderm..
It can be due to causes like hard stools, anal intercourse etc..
Consult a Proctologist and get evaluated and a clinical evaluation and investigations like
Colonoscopy, Anoscopy etc can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly..
For Hemorrhoid or piles you can be advised to apply Steroid creams and numbing creams containing Lignocaine..
Apply creams/ ointment containing Calcium channel blockers like Diltizem as it will help in increasing blood flow and heal fissure fast..
For both conditions you can take higher fibre diet and stooe softener like Docusate so that it ease evacuation of bowels..
Sit in warm water tub known as Sitz bath..
Avoid spicy food and drink plenty of water..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.