Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My 79 year old father is suffering from recurring hemorrhagic episodes due to radiation cystitis (radioactive seed implantation for prostate cancer 7 years ago). 6 weeks ago he had a clot which required a trip to the ER for catherization. Afterward he was fine. 4 weeks later his urologist performed a cystoscopy? Is that right? Scope of the bladder. Hence his radiation cystitis diagnosis. But it stirred everything up and that night he had another blockage. He kept the foley for 3 days, removed it, bleed for a few hours, then urine was clear - until that night - another trip to ER. 7 days later foley was removed. That was 3 days ago and he s had a little blood here and there, but clear for the past 24 hours. His urologist wants to conduct an ultrasound with him drinking 24 oz. of water in an hour. I m very concerned that s going to stress his bladder and cause the walls to bleed. The poor man just wants to go on an open ended trip to florida - camping along the way - just winging it. I don t think he should do this test. It s purely academic. Everything other than radiation cystitis has been ruled out and there s little he can do about that. His new urologist does not like answering questions (dad just moved up to CT from VA). Yes, we ll find another doctor. But for now what do you think?