Acne vulgaris is a multifactorial skin disease. You have
adult acne. There are so many factors which either stimulate or exacerbate the acne lesions. Factor may be Genetic predisposition,Stress,dandruff,
sleeplessness,sun exposure, travelling, oily food,milk, ghee,hormonal imbalance , drugs like oral pills, B12,iodine,INH etc and many others...
Take XXXX 10 mg daily for 6 to 12 week. If there is side effect like chelitis, reduce the dose to 5 mg or stop. Cap XXXX 50 mg may be taken for 6 months.
retinoic acid gel 0.012% or 0.025% at night or adapalene gel daily at night.
Cleanse the face with antiseptic face wash.
Be positive and calm. You may be alright in few months. And avoid or treat the suspected factors. I hope you got my answer.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD