After reading your query ,these symptoms may be due to these possibilities , these include:
Chronic laryngitis . Chronic laryngitis due to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is often difficult to distinguish from
laryngeal cancer , in part because of the frequent absence of signs, symptoms & radiological findings typical of pulmonary disease.
Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness of voice and can also be associated with reduced vocal pitch or aphonia ( in your case hoarseness present along other symptoms ). Diagnosis can be confirmed by physical examination by an E N T specialist with
laryngoscope .
2 The next reason in your case may be due to uncomplicated allergic bronchitis .
Only physical examination as well as clinical examination by a physician will find out allergic bronchitis .
3 Asthmatic
allergic cough may be the next reason of such cough . Physical examination by a physician will rule out asthma .
There are so many other reasons of such symptoms as , cancer , tuberculosis . In my opinion consult as mentioned above.
Good luck.