I am a healthy 25 year old female suffering with pelvic pain for the last two days. I am also bloated and constipated. There have been a few changes to my lifestyle recently, namely; 1) I have removed processed, fatty foods from my diet, eating less meat and much larger quantities of fruit, fibre and nuts, seeds and raw vegetables. I have also been working out on an intense training program this week. I initially felt great after all these changes, but have suddenly felt progressively more bloated and awful tense pressure-like pain in my pelvic area - where a bikini would cover. Are my symptoms to be expected from the changes I have made, and will they get better? Or could there be something more worrying going on? I am not urinating more frequently or feeling a burning sensation as I pass urine. Discharge is increased, however - but I am in the middle of my cycle so this is common.