I had alot of pelvic pressure and pain, felt like the crowning of having a baby. ir lasted for couple mintues and happend about 4 times. the next day i devloped a UTI. was treated for UTI and 1 week later I woke up in midde of night with a pain in my right side close to waist line, i felt a small knot. couple hours later i starting having sharp pains in my stomach that would last 2 mins and first set i had 3 stabing pain eposiodes in a hour time, followed by small dirreha, then 2 hours later pains started again followed by dirreha these pains lasted 2-3 mins and were 40 mins apart. went to urgi care. not much results there. doctor put me on glycopyrrol 1mg. this stoped the stabbing pains, however the pain in side is still there and i still feel this knot which is super sore. what could this be?