I am a 55 year old woman in excellent health. It has been almost a year since I had a period. For the past month and a half I have had recurring vaginosis, then yeast infections. I have taken metrozinadole in both gel and tablet form and also one 1000mg dose of azithromycin. I have also been given diflucan for the yeast infection and have done several at home treatments with Monistat. I have started taking an oral probiotic and the Dr. recently prescribed Estrace, 1gm twice a week for my vagina to try and restore ph balance. My ph was 5 on the last visit. I had 4 good days, after the azithromycin, then got a yeast infection. I have been self treating. It has cleared up, but I am still having extreme itching. No noticeable discharge, no odor, but extreme itching. I am tired of going to the Dr. with no results.