Hello Sir and welcome to HCM.
The short answer to your question is that yes, your blood pressure (BP) is basically OK.
Having lived to a blessed age of 89 and being active and healthy as you are means that you don't have a serious problem.
Older individuals have hardening of their blood vessels which we call arteries and because of this their blood pressure my be a little higher than in younger persons, but your readings are still quite good.
Some doctors would say that they would like to see the first BP number below 140 and or at least below 150 ( in your case it is 156 and 147),
Fortunately both your bottom numbers are normal: 77 and 79.
For your information - Blood pressure reading has only 2 numbers, not 3: the top and the bottom one
So in your case your BP reading would be: 156/77 and 147/79.
The third number you gave: 66 and 76 is most likely the reading of your
Heart Rate or Pulse -> next time you take your blood pressure look at the display - the third number should have "per minute" or "/minute" designation.
In my opinion you do not need a
blood pressure medication, but you can check with your doctor, who will likely take more Blood pressure readings and will decide if you should start a medication.
You are already physically active and your weight is quite good (
Body mass index at 25 which is just at the upper limit of normal), but a good diet and exercise is always recommended.
Regards and best of health.