I started a weight loss program with herbalife about 6 weeks ago. The first month was great and lost about 20 lbs.... I take their protein shakes, their tea, and 4 pills(aminoen, celluloss, cell activator) and I eat real clean(chicken,tuna,fish,vegetables,Greek yogurt,cottagecheese,and only drink water other than their tea). Everything was perfect and felt great then I added a few more products(total control, prolessaduo, and thermobond when we have a cheat day) well i started getting diarrhea for a few days which I thought nothing of and then I had really yellow diarrhea that was full of water and I looked very bloated in the stomach area and it was really painful for 2 days I got worried and it went to regular diarrhea again but still burns off and on for another couple days.... Not sure what s going on can you help me