Respected Sir, wish you a good time. i am in a great Pressure for my seminal fluid analysis. i am eagerly waiting your suggestion. Sir, i am sending u my seminal fluid analysi have done my seminal fluid analys on dt 07.05.12 . the report was quantity :- 5ML viscocity :- VISCOCITY Reaction :- Alkaline Number :- 120 MILLION/ML motility :- Active Motility :- 50% sluggishy motility 10% Non moility 38% abnormal - O.2% PUS CELLS 3-4/HPF mY TEST REPORT ON DT 07.09.2012 WAS quantity :- 4ML viscocity :- VISCOIED cOLOUR nORMAL cOUNT:- 65 MILLION/ML motility :- Active Motility :- 50% sluggishy motility 10% Non moility 40% PUS CELLS 2-4/HPF EPITHELIAL CELL PRESENT(c) sir, which test was better. i hope my first was better in second test it is decreasing. I have contacted our local doctor. he suggested to take medicine ccq-25 and Maxoza for 1month.i have not yet started . i want your valuable suggestion where i should take medicine. sir i would like to request you to confirm me where i am infertile or not in seminal fluid analysis from which factor we should know it. what precaution should we take for conceive. what is the value of normal seminal fluid analysis report. sir , i have taken some PERFECT tablets in 2002-2204 for increase of my health. does it have any adverse effect to my fertility . Thank you sir, Sanjib Ku Sahoo