My 86-y-0 husband has begun waking up with a squeezy feeling in his neck---sort of like when one is nauseous---lasts about an hour and after that he is fine---eats well, etc. He has been taking both Hytrin and Hyzaar for many years with no problem. Howevwer, due to a stroke, he was left with A-fib and is taking Prilosac and cardinovol---hass been on those for almost a year with no problem. Medical WU was good---EKG unchanged, lung sounds good, auscultation of his neck sounded fine, etc. Docs are suspicious that it might be the Hytrin---had me discontinue that, check his BPs twice a day for a week and see if he gets to feeling better. Has been off the Hytrin now for 5 days and he gets up feeling fine, but after about 30 min., the squeezy feeling returns for about an hour.