These symptoms may be due to these reasons , these include.
Allergic rhinitis , nasal itching , watery
rhinorrhea, conjuctival symptoms, eye pruritus, sneezing, post nasal drainage .
Other sign & symptoms are headache ,
nasal obstruction , impaired smell morning cough .
All these symptoms are a characteristic feature of allergic rhinitis.
I want to tell you that allergic rhinitis is a precursor of asthmatic allergic
bronchitis or asthma.
Avoidance of , dust , mites , pests ( cockroaches ) pollen , molds , sudden rise and fall of temperature , fine dusting powder .
These are predisposing factors of asthma as well as allergic rhinitis .
When such patient visit my clinic I prescribe them to take monteleukast+
fexofenadine combination tablet once or twice in day.
Steam inhalation also help .
2 As I mentioned above this ( as you are a chronic patient of these symptoms from last 15 years , so may turn into asthma . Wheezing , cough ,
shortness of breath, whistling sound are characteristic feature of asthma . When such patient visit I advise them to take monteleukast + bambuterole once or twice in day . Beside avoidance is important .
Bronchiectasis is another such cause because you are passing plenty of mucus through nose . So get in sputum examination as well Xray chest for confirmation.
Deal as above mentioned , this will help you.