i am suffering from diabetes since 1994 is there any way that I can get rid of it My Age is 59 years male.I am taking anti diabetic drugs since 1994. On 9.1.2011 I lost my consciousness and a temporary pacemaker was installed which was replaced by permanent one on 13.1.11. Iwas asked to take insulin @18 units in the morning and bedtime respectively besides taking one livage, capsule becosule after meal , tab zuvog m during lunch. I was advised to take Ecosprin n daily, on 13.2.2011. Recently Blood was coming from my mouth and nose for which tab cefpodoxime twice daily, cap Pandostal OD daily before breakfst, syp Mits Codelin lincts 2 tsf thrice daily and zapiz 0.5 after dinner has been prescribed. What should I do?