I traveled to Germany to help with my daughter with the birth of her newborn son,she also has a two year old daughter,in the past 6 months she has started with crossing of the legs,and not be able to have proper bowel movements.They are in the Army and have taken her to the clinic which they dx.her with constipation,her mother was given a rx for suppositories,and colace...she gave the colace as directed for 2weeks same time with no results, and also the glycerine suppositories,am I way off on encourgaging my daughter to push for a x-ray with rectal barium to see if this is a internal problem,and how often do 2 1/2 year old fecal hord ?? I notice some fecal skid marking in her panties as the are trying to transition her out of diapers,and into big girl panties,she also can have liquid stool at times which to me seems like a impaction with stool leaking around it.I havebeen in Germany 8 days now and she has had 2 small formed stools come out,but the normal is way off, thanks for any advice.concerned Grandma,mother and soldier