Hi, I had gone through your question and I admire your positive attitude and awareness to prevent cardiovascular events in future. The biggest risk for
cardiovascular disease is ignorance or misinformation. With increasing age, the risk increases, but we can’t modify our age. Things we can control like Quit smoking, keep blood pressure and blood sugar in control, monitor your
lipid profile, make a habit of daily exercise, take adequate sleep, avoid stress, and limit your calories tyo control your weight. As per your height and weight, your BMI is about 26.5 which is just above normal in
overweight category. Consuming more calories than your workout lead to obesity which is a risk factor for
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
As you get
fatigue after work or activity, i will advise you to consult your physician for detailed evaluation.
Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.