Hi....dear Ravi..,
Thanks for choosing HCM.,
Growth of Moustach Hairs depend on Hormones levels.....,
During the male puberty, the hypothalamus secretes ...,
Hormones that stimulate the
pituitary gland to release gonadotrophic hormones..,
which consist of
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH)....,
FSH...... stimulates development of the tubes in the testes in...,
which sperm production takes place and is thought to be involved in sperm maturation....,
LH...... stimulates the testes to release
In males, puberty is marked by enlargement of the testicles and penis...,
lengthening of the vocal cords, which causes the voice to deepen, and growth of pubic hair....,
Facial hair may also begin to appear on the face, chest, and abdomen...,
But some individuals take more time to grow the hairs on face(Moustach)..,
So check FSH, LH levels...,,
Consult good
endocrinologist...and go accordingly..ok...good luck..,