The following day I had a c-section, I couldn't breathe and 48 hours, I was given a cat scan and I was diagnosed with pneumonia, both my lungs were almost completely full. The doctors tried to give me oxygen through an oxygen mask and I kept screming that I couldn't breathe, which I then went into cardiac arrest and needed to be resesitated. They put a tube down my throat shortly after. The next thing I knew it was two and a half weeks later, I was in a medical coma. I almost died and missed Christmas with my three children, one being a newborn. Is it possible that I had pneumonia before my c-section, and if it is, would the blood work that I had at my pre-op detect something was wrong?My hemoglobin was at 70, does this mean something. I was given 4 pints of blood as well because I kept losing a lot of blood? Or did I get it from my c-section? Because of the cardiac arrest and the pneumonia, is it also possible that I am having severe panic attacs.