dear sir, i m 34 years old. My husband is 30. I love my husband. He also. But i didn't feel that my family life is good. He has no liability. He does'nt have any job. or not a business. I had marries in 2005. I have a very cute son AUM. My husband does'nt give me 5,000/- Rs.He quarrels with me in little things like if I had late, I had tell my feelings for my in laws. He forces me to go my in laws house when I don't want to go. He insults my parents in every way. He beats me also. If my parents give any things to my son, he quarrels with me. When we go to my in laws house he behaved like a king, he has no worries for me & my son. I can't adjust my in laws. He was pampered by their parents and sisters. He is not sincere about his career, his wife ,or his little cute son. He becomes a boss in each and every discussion. He does'nt want to understand my feelings. He wants kathputli as a wife.My family background is educated as well as not his. His background is so poor. Our marriage is love marriage with concern our parents. My parents advised me for not get married. V had not live together last 2 months. His behaviour is very normal to others, but it is very very good. I think that he has a spilt personality. In short I m afraid of him. I can't share my feelings with him. I don't want to take divorce, and he also does'nt want. But v can't live together. What i have to do sir? Please help me.