I can understand your concern.
* It is not necessary that the next child will have congenital
heart disease.
So cool down, be positive & try to avoid following things in
pregnancy,which are said to cause congenital heart problem in babies.
- Genetic- One of the parents has congenital heart problem makes 50% chances of children getting it. In that case chromosomal analysis cn help to know affection of a child.
- Viral infections in early 3 months of pregnancy- Exposure to infection can be avoided / Flue
Rubella vaccination 6 months prior to conception will prevent rubella infection and it's untoward effect on fetal heart.
- Alcohol &
smoking in pregnancy - can be stopped.
- Diagnosis & treatment of
gestational diabetes will prevent heart problem in new born.
* apart from this being healthy 3 months before conception(of both partners)
-healthy lifestyle in pregnancy,
- regular medical check ups & investigations suggested by doctor ( specially 3D USG of fetus at 5 months)- will help you to give birth to a healthy baby.