Dear Madam,
At this age, irregularities in the menstrual period and bleeding are experienced. They could be perimenopausal changes. However, continuous heavy bleeding for 3 weeks which is becoming worse month by month definitely does not fit into the definition of perimenopausal menstrual irregularities. You need to undergo thorough investigations.
Initially, you may get
ultrasonography done to find out the size of the
uterus, any tumour in the uterus and the thickness of the uterine lining (endometrium). At this age, the uterus should not be bulky and the endometrial thickness should not be more than 5 mm.
Also it is advisable to have endometrial study by hysteromicroscopy and if needed
endometrial biopsy also to find out the changes in the endometrium which may be
hyperplasia, cancer or atherosclerotic blood vessels in the endometrium. The very fact that month by month your periods are becoming heavier and heavier, the chances of hyperplasia or cancer are there.
If you are not having any children, the vulnerability for the
endometrial cancer increases.
After these investigations, your Gynaecologist will decide what treatment should be given to you. I would not advise you to be on birth control pills before you get thoroughly investigated and properly diagnosed. To minimize the bleeding, you may start Tranexemic acid with your Gynaecologist's advice.
Since you are bleeding so heavily, you might have become anaemic. Please get your blood examined for
haemoglobin levels.
Anaemia also increases the amount of bleeding in the menses and then it becomes a vicious cycle. Please start iron tablets and high protein diet to take care of your anaemia. Please report to the Gynaecologist and get properly diagnosed to start the correct treatment.
I hope you will take this advice seriously.