Hi I have reoccuring boils since i have my child. Im a first time mom, and i heard immune system could affect why i have this. On the first month i had 1 boil near the armpit on my arms i had pop it. Now on the second month i have 2 boils, one below the armpit same side the last time, and one on my pubic hair. The one on my armpit burst itself and im not enduring the pain anymore, but the one one my pubic hair is what im enduring. Its so painful, and its much bigger than last time. At first i think i had a dandurf on my pubic hair then i remove it then next i i felt largement it was not painful back then., then next i notice when i touch it another dandurf again,but its more painful to remove. And the next day it saw on my underwear blood from it. And now that start the hard redness on my pubic area. Please advice me for treatment and why it re-occur? Does having my child cause it? What should i do?