Asthma attack can be triggered by pollutants, upper respiratory infections, weather change,
stress, allergens, so avoid these triggering agents. and life style modification is must so follow the suggestions strictly
Drink plenty of water
Boost your immunity by proper diet like having lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh vegetables.
Avoid junk spicy foods and carbonated drinks
yoga asanas , pranayama and
meditation techniques to improve your Lund capacity and for the good. Blood circulation to the chest.
Go for chest physio.
Avoid exercises
Control your stress level by practising regular yoga.
Add pepper , honey, ginger and garlic in your diet.
Avoid milk and milk products.
Take hot foot bath before you sleep for 15 mins.
Have good sleep.
To avoid excess gas formation do pavanamuktasana to release the excess gas and change your diet as mentioned above take less amount of dhals avoid cabbage, cauliflower, Peas.
Drink minty leaf juice added with jeers which will be very effective for your gastric complaints.
Hope this answers your query .
Take care wish you speedy recovery.