Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
diabetes is a hereditary disease so you are also prone to this disease.
As your age is 27 years ======age is in your favor ( may not be diabetes),
Weight is 113 Kgs =========This is against you and liable a case of diabetes.
Blood sugar level fasting was 92 mg /dl====this is in your favor.
P P level is 241 mg/dl ========( may not be in your favor as more liable to diabetes, if you have taken sweets or something containing sugar than blood sugar level may shows this reading.
The treating physician has prescribed right dose.
In my opinion , you should get in blood examination for HB A1 C .
Take a sugar free diet and than get in blood examination for sugar level fasting as well post prandial ( p p ).
Take reading in this way for three consequent days.
If still level of sugar is high start the treatment.
Hope I have answered your question.
If further any question I will help gladly.