Hallow Dear,
After abortion, theoretically, the egg release may start anytime after 5 weeks. However, whether to go for next
pregnancy so immediately is a question; particularly when you had
missed abortion.
I feel primarily after any type of abortion, due time of about 3 months should be given for the organs and tissues of reproductory system to regain normalcy. After that pregnancy may be attempted.
However, since you had missed abortion, I would advise you to consult a foetal medicine specialist to find out the probable cause behind the missed abortion. May be both of you might have to get your chromosomal study done. If any cause is detected and is curable, first get it treated before you attempt next pregnancy.
Right from now, in the preconception stage, start taking
Folic acid tablets daily and high protein diet also. This will help release of healthy egg and healthy
implantation of fertilized ovum.
Please consult your Gynaecologist before attempting the pregnancy.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri