I went to a Kidney doctor recently, had been going to one for about 5 years, but they seem to keep changing on me. This new Dr. said he wanted to lower my B.P. more, and they day I as in to see him it was a bit high 146/78 but no really that much out of line. He said he would like to see it 140/70 or less. The next day it was 131/68, and hadn t taken the prescription he recommended. However did take it a couple of days later, and my feet and ankles swelled and are still swelled, the Med was Amalodapine the dose I was on was .5 and he doubled it. I called him today, and he put me back on my regular dose, but added a new B.P. med called Spironolactone .25 mg. I have been on Lorsartin and Amalodapine for several years and it has been holding my B/P under control pretty well. Why would he want to be changing it...my thinking is if it s not broken, don t fix it, and my regular health care physician had put me on it. This is a new, young Dr. and it was my understanding that they no longer want your B/P to get to low, to you don t function well?? What is your opinion on this new med. He told me not to take my over the counter Potassium. Thanks, Betty