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Cows’ milk can provide an important source of energy, protein,
vitamins and minerals. If your child is not able to tolerate cows’ milk, it is very important to replace it with a suitable alternative.
These are some of them which you may give him:
-Ready-made soya, pea and oat or other milks may be used as a main drink.
-Rice milk is not suggested for use below 41/2 years of age.
-Try to use a brand that is fortified with calcium. If the product is not fortified with calcium, or your child will only take a small amount of the fortified milk, it is likely that they may need a
calcium supplement.
You may also find it helpful to request a review from a Registered Dietitian so that they can check that your child is enjoying a balanced diet as they may benefit from additional vitamin and mineral supplements.
Many milk substitutes have a very different taste and smell compared to breast milk or cows’ milk. Some children can take time to get used to this when they are first started on a new product. A Registered Dietitian will be able to give you advice about how to encourage your child to take these milk substitutes.
Hopefully this will help you.
Take care