Hi, Welcome to Health care magic forum.
Your patient is of 96 age, when flexes, his shoulder, causes extension of elbow, and arm internally rotates in right arm, and now the left arm also doing it. Recently there is ataxic gait.
It appears to be the
ischemia of the brain , probably due to the athirosclerosis, or
neuritis, or
necrosis of the muscles.
Most probably these are irriversible changes.
I usually prescribe to my patient with such age and symptoms neurotropic injections for 10 consecutive days, and then periodically.
Multivitamin tablets once daily.
Physiotherapy is the best way to recovery, from the
I advise to take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods.
Wishing for a quick and near complete recovery. Thank you.