Hi, Im 26 Male 5 9 and weigh about 195 Im employed as a security guard and don t workout much. I need some help getting rid of this problem i have been having for a little over two months now. It first started January 3, 2011. I was laying on my back doing some ab crunching exercises. I did a sit up and lifted my head and tightened my abs while lifting both of my legs off the floor and immediately turned red and began to sweat. Didn t mean to strain myself. But afterwords a few seconds later i started to hear a steady hum in my left ear and a clogged feeling which persisted and still is about a 2 weeks and then i went to my MD. He clean my ears with water and said there was not enough wax to cause complications and noticed that my ear drums were slightly red. He have me amoxiclian told me to take it for ten days and see a ENT. When to ENT on January 27,2011 and he told me air got into the Eustachian Tube and said it would go away on its own. After i saw the ENT i couldn t sleep because the humming sound would get louder at night so i called my doctor and he gave me a anxiety medication 5mg of Ativan. i also take melatonin to sleep 5mg. Told my Ent and he told me to see him if it gets worse. I went back to the ENT February 15 and he did a hearing test and inspected my ears again and said my hearing is normal and no fluid in my ears. Told me my Eustachian tub was inflamed and gave me Astaline nasal solution two spray in each nostril a day. March 2 came along and went back to my Ent the sprays did not help at all to reduce the humming or stop popping and clogged feeling in my ears. Told me there was nothing else he could do just to wait it out and continue with sprays. Whenever i eat spicy food the popping when i swallow goes away for a short time and whenever i inhale hot steam the humming volume decreases and sometimes goes away for a bit then comes back. Please Help, Is there [message edited by Tonyace on Fri, 01 Apr 2011 21:36:03 BST]