Hi, thanks for your query.
First of all I shall suggest you not to pop up the pimples because doing so you are irritating the already inflamed area leading to more of damage and hence scarring. It is best to avoid touching it and apply ointment to let it heal in its own time . Scars once formed heal very slowly.
For pus filled acne you may apply a
clindamycin and benzoyl per oxide combination cream at night.
Since you have acne prone skin you may follow these general measures:
Use a salisylic acid based face wash .
Get your black heads and white heads extracted time to time .
Use a non comedogenic sun screen during the day.
For brown (pigmented)scars:
-Apply a
kojic acid or
retinoic acid cream at night.
-you may take a few sessions of peeling.It will also help controlling acne.
dermaroller (a minimum of 4-6 sessions )may be done.
-a few sessions of fractional laser.
These procedures will help in reduction of scars. Unfortunately there is no easy and fast way to get rid of scars, so a little patience is required from your side.
you may
consult a dermatologist for the best suitable procedure for you.
Hope this solves your query.