..I WROTE ...i went to the bathroom to pee today and when i wiped the was light red blood and like a string of clearsh and white stuff with it.. and got off my period 6days ago. and had sex 2days after my period was done 2times that nightand than lastnight we had sex and when he took the condom off there was a hole in it like this 0... could i be prego now???? please help me docs:.......asap!!!! DOC WROTE....on There is very minimal risk of pregnancy if your periods have been regular from before, since the time you had an intercourse is the safe period, where pregnancy chances is minimal. ,,,, WHAT THAT MEAN??? and I WROTE BACK,,,, ive bein having really bad pain down by my overies,,,like crampin it feels like..my periods are regular i got off it 7 days now.. and yesterday i have light red blood and like string like white with it when i wiped,,,.but this never happened before though,.so is there more of a chance bein prego or less of bein prego? this would be my 2nd time bein prego if i becaome prego... please anwser back,,, i need to know if i should get a prego test or not? PLEASE ANSWER ME SOON,,