I have some symptoms which I consider severe (Itchy welted skin all over, Bloody Stools, Anxiety, Trouble Sleeping, Sore tounge, Shaking, excessive sweating... ) I really could go on. I have been to emergeny twice, they tell me it is an allergic reaction, They prescribed Prednisone (The first doctor told me to take 50mg for 5 days) So I took it for 2 then I strting getting short of breath and chest pains. I then went back to emerg and that doc also told me it was a allergic reaction.. (he put me on prednisone nd told me to start at 50mg for 7 days then drop by 5mg a day after.) I did that... and the hives/welts went away and so did the swelling, by the time i got to only taking 15mg the hives/ welts started appearing again.... I have not changed anything eaten anything or been in contact with anything different than what i have been for years... any suggestions? Also I had extra blood work taken for doing a kidney donation and the nurse said my white blood cell count is high, and my thyroid is high?