I do not if I'm worrying too much about worrying. I just feel like a worry too much . I don't have many good friends to talk too . I avoid creating new friends even though the friends I do have just aren't around enough or I do not feel comfortable talking to them about my problems. Things annoy me , little things all the time . Sometimes more than others. Like the fan in the kitchen the noise drives me crazy. I'm generally unmotivated person but, at the same time I feel like if I don't get this done I'm not going to progress. Sometimes I can't sleep and sometimes I sleep way too much . I'm very sensitive about looks and how people perceive me . I'll fret over dumb things like my hair not being perfect even if I'm not going anywhere. When I smoke marijuana I'm less agitated but, I cannot remain high for long periods of time and I can't smoke all day that's not an option . Also, I think I'm just masking the problem with it while I'm at home. I need to see a doctor but it may be a another month before I can see a doctor and I need to try to keep it together until than ! Do you have any suggestions ? So I can stop fretting so much?? I'm on a new diet of healthy proteins, fruits , vegetables. I'm limiting my sugar , processed foods, dairy , and caffeine. I want to start exercising soon I just go over being sick with bronchitis , so I think I will try and hopefully I don't cough head off when I start exercising. Maybe Yoga would be good to start with so I don't start coughing again? I just don't know what to do . I just feel ultra nervous about everything and I forget what I'm doing constantly because my mind is just racing!