Thanks for your query.
Pain, gases and nausea for 3 to 4 weeks- but no real burp or
flatulence. This means you have a feeling of this.
Pressure behind the eyes may be a sort of headache.
These are not the signs of
poisoning, as the symptoms could have been been due to sub-clinical form of gastro-
enteritis or typhoid.
I would advise such a patient to go through the following:::
Blood for -
Hemoglobin, WBC count - for infection, sugar, kidney functions, Liver functions, WIDAL for typhoid.
Ultrasonography of abdomen.
The treatment will depend upon the investigations.
By this time you can have a course of an antibiotic and supportive medicines as per the symptoms.
You have to take extra care as you are working with chemicals and discuss this too with your treating Doctor.