It is normal for a woman to have decreased interest in sex for about 3 months after giving birth to a child. This happens due to reasons like
fatigue, increased responsibility in babycare and this can be tiring and also leave you with little sexual interest at the end of the day.
Having a baby gives you additional responsibilities of motherhood, the anxieties of dealing with a new baby, the worries that you are doing the right thing.
You may have to rethink may areas like pain when you start having sex again, healing of any
episiotomy wound, emotional needs of your partner have to be balanced with that of the baby, not getting another
pregnancy for sometime, you having a feeling of reduced sexual needs and thoughts about your self image.
I suggest you sit down with your partner and have a direct talk about each others sexual needs. Indulge in a long foreplay when you feel like having sex. Keep surprises for your partner. You can set aside time for your partner by having a close relative taking care of your baby for few hours so that you can once again develop that intimacy.