hello mam,
thnx fr trusting health care magic doctors fr ur health related queries.
i guess ur concern is -y are u not becoming pregnant inspite of many normal things...i got the picture wat r trying to say..
first of all mam.....relax...u dont have to worry at all...
secondly lets disccuss info u have shared with us.....
1.ur age-32yr..
women of reproductive age(18-40yrs)have high chances of
pregnancy,if >50yrs,nill....42-45yrs:transition zone-not as high as reprodutv n nt as low as after 50yrs..now i guess u understood importance of stressing ur age..
so mam u have high chances of bcming pregnant...
2.scan report is normal....if ovaries n
uterus r normal..then 80% of problem is sloved....so mam the chances of u becoming pregnany is doubled right.....???yes or no????ahh????
3.periods are regular....so u dont have to worry at all....
but,mam u havent shared info about ur husband age..how old is he???wtz his exact age??was it a late marriage for him???
well i assume ur husbands marriage is near to ur age only.
if ur husband very much old,still u dont have to worry.Here comes the advantage of technologies of 21st century....the name of technology is ART.Assisted Reproductive TEchnology,ex:ivf.(its difficult to explain in detail about tis in tis short msg)
now i want u to focus on term'FERTILE PERIOD'..it starts from 10th-16th day of menses...here ovum is released n meets sperm,women becomes pregnant,so its calle d fertile period...so try to do more episodes of sex/coitus during tis period..
well wit tis discusion try out my suggestions:-
1.have patience,things wil settle down slowly,
2.try to more episodes of sex in fertile period(sceintific reason i have told)fr nxt 4-5 months..hopefully u will get result by tis...
3.if no results after 4-5months/u r in very much hurry to become pregnant,visit ur nearby gynecologist/
infertility specialist fr further help.
i hope tis wz informative enough,helpful n useful fr ur query.
regards-dr.sudha rani panagar...
(inspite of everything normal u r not able to get pregnant..its normal..every women goes through PSHYCHOLOGICAL test..dont worry at all....i pray god u get blessed with cute baby as fast as possible,hopefully TWINS!!!!!!)