My name is Shavyne and last month December 8th I started my was lighter than usual but lasted the five days. I usually have unprotected sex with my partner. Then on the last day of the period I had extreme pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. It felt like something was beating in both lower part. For the next two days the pain got more intense so I went to the hospital n I was given and injection to ease the pain. I didn't take a pregnancy test cause the hospital was out. I started getting some pregnancy symptoms like headache, frequently urinating, tender breast which got a little heavier, eating a lot, feeling tired, wanting to sex more than usual, high sense of smell that no one else can smell. I took a pregnancy test before my period but it stated negative. I haven't took one again. Now this month the 9th January 2014 I started bleeding, it started of light when I wiped I notice it on the tissue then half hour to couples hours it started to come a lot more and heavy with blood clots and its been like that for two days straight. On the 3rd day it was just blood no clots but it seems to have ease up from the two days. The blood started off looking light red and brownish. I wasn't feeling like I on my period cause there was no period like pain only a like cramping in my lower back. Today is the 4th day of my bleeding and its like practically dripping lighter. It hurt a lot when I lay on my belly. Sometimes there is this pain in my left side the same spot like a needle boring me but it only last for couple seconds. I Don't know what to think since the test stated negative. What might be my problem or am I pregnant? Cause I still pee a lot , eat a lot and I did gain weight, I'm looking different than before which most people notice and are asking me if I'm pregnant.