Hallow Dear,
Missing period for 4 weeks is suggestive of
pregnancy. You have to rule out the pregnancy first before you think of any other diagnosis.
Some of your pregnancy tests are faint positive. It so happens when:
1.The baby in no more viable
2.When the pregnancy is located somewhere outside the
uterine cavity (ectopic pregnancy). Ectopic pregnancy is a very serious condition. It usually ruptures and then the bleeding is life threatening.
So my advice is to go for
ultrasonography. If the
uterus is empty in spite of faint positive pregnancy test result, it should be investigated further for ectopic pregnancy, may be by
laparoscopy. Ectopic pregnancy will need immediate intervention. If it is unruptured at the time of laparoscopy, it can be tackled laparoscopically also. If it is ruptured, it may required opening of the abdomen and lot of
blood transfusion.
If the uterine cavity shows baby, it is intrauterine pregnancy. If the baby's heart beats are seen, then the pregnancy is normal; if they are absent, then it is
missed abortion and needs termination of pregnancy ASAP. Delay in terminating missed abortion may lead to serious complications like severe bleeding due to clotting disorders (DIC), infection, kidney failure, etc.
So without delay, please get your ultrasonography done to decide about the further line of action.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri