hi.im 25,have 1 daughter shes 5 :) we have been trying to conceive since the week after my last period ended 27th april. my cycles are 30-35 days.we had alot of unprotected intercourse to try improve our chances and mid cycle also. i got spotting like a light pink color when i wiped only from the 20th-26th may,the week before my period,i have done plenty of tests but all negative,the last one was on the 11th june,am i testing too early? my appetite has gone completely out of control,up and down,flutters like spasms in my very lower tummy where i had my section for baby no.1,numb feeling down there also. overall sick and sore/indegestion tummy,weak,tired and shaking on sat and sunday? im never late so we really hope this is our 2nd baby :) thank you!