What you are having is actually colloid milia.
Colloid milium is characterized by the presence of multiple, dome-shaped, amber- or flesh-colored papules developing on light-exposed skin . A
mber, waxy, partially translucent, firm papules occur in crops, ranging from 1-5 mm in diameter.
Gelatinous material can be expressed.
The lesions occur on light-exposed skin, with the cheeks, periorbital area, nose, ears, and neck most frequently involved.
Familial cases of colloid milia are also known.
Not much medical treatment is available for the same.
These have to be surgically removed with the help of radiofrequency, electrocautery ,
dermabrasion , chemical cautery or lasers.
But treatment is definitely available, so I would advise you to
consult a dermatologist for the requires treatment.
Also I would recommend you to use a sunscreen regularly.
Hope it helps
Dr Geetika Paul