So i noticed i was bloated and the next day i started my period and i still think my stomach looks bloated and my period ended 3-4 days ago. I also went on a cruise in the mediterranean for 10 days just got back last night and i left the day after i got my period. i havent had any symptoms of pregnancy and was on birth control the last time i had sex which was may 14th and i took a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks ago and it came up negative because i didnt get my period when i was on the last week on my pack, i also think i should mention that i just started taking birth control 4 months ago and was doing the 3months without a period then getting just one every 3 months when i first started BC it was the week before i was scheduled to get my period and i ended up having a regular period on time on the pill then i didnt get any until the one i mentioned happend several days ago. What my question is, is there still a chance i could be pregnant? and what could cause this bloating? Someone mentioned it could be the cruise that i took becuase my diet changed drastically on the cruise i ate constanly not becuase i was abnormally hungry or had any cravings just becuase it was very accesible and wanted to try all the food while i had a chance and i didnt workout at all on the trip but i didnt feel like i wasnt going to the bathroom enough, could it be that i was just backed up from all the food? also if that is it i was wondering why i havent been hungry at all the last time i ate a meal was 34 hours ago and i still dont feel like i need to eat and i havent had the feeling of a low blood sugar like shaking, feeling light headed, and sweating which i get very easily i can have a low blood sugar from not eating a meal in time. sorry this was so long i just wanted to give you all the information to get the most accurate answer. Oh also i havent gained any weight which i would have thought i would have been gaining at least a few pounds if i were pregnant, all i gained was 1lb while on the cruise which quickly is going down to my normal weight. Thank you very much Brittany