Thank you for asking at HCM.
I went through your friend's history and would like to know more about him like - what is his age? Since what age did he have asthma? What is the frequency of his asthma symptoms? What are his nose symptoms -
nasal congestion, running nose, sneezing, etc? Does he have headaches or facial pains? Does he have recurrent throat problems? Does he have any other medical condition? Does he smoke or is he exposed to air pollution/dusts/smoke?
From your given history, I would like to make following suggestions for him:
1. Were I treating him, I would suggest him regular
montelukast. In addition to that, inhalers and nasal sprays can be decided after knowing his symptoms in detail.
2. I would suggest him allergy testing which will help him to know the substances causing troubles to him and also to know how to avoid them.
Based on the report, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe him allergen specific
immunotherapy which may work on his immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms.
3. I would also suggest him regular breathing exercises and avoidance of smokes/dusts/air pollution as much as possible.
4. A healthy diet rich in
vitamins and minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc) will also help him in a long run.
5. Regarding side effects of
cortisone, it is a corticosteroid. So prolonged, repeated use can cause many side effects like
hypertension, diabetes, weight gain, cataract, glaucoma, etc.
Hope above suggestions will be helpful to him.
Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at HCM.
Wish your friend the best of the health.
Thank you & Regards.