Hallow K,
I have gone through all your history.
Yes, your symptoms are suggestive of
pregnancy. The early pregnancy symptoms are Missed period, Frequency of Urination, Nausea &
Vomiting and Breast Changes which include Engorgement, Tenderness, Darkening of nipples and
areola with increase in size of areola and Secretions from the nipples.
Since you have missed period for 2 weeks, urine pregnancy test and/or
ultrasonography will reveal whether you are pregnant or not.
If you are pregnant and do not wish to continue pregnancy, Termination of pregnancy can be performed by Medicines very safely up to 9 weeks. These medicines should be taken only on Obstetrician's prescription and under supervision.
Brown bleeding bothers me since it suggests the old bleeding from within the uterus. Such bleeding occurs when the baby is non-viable for some time. Please report to your Obstetrician for confirmation and treatment - mostly evacuation of the uterus. Delay may cause complications like excessive uncontrollable bleeding.
If you are not pregnant, few days
progesterone and discontinuing it will give you withdrawal bleeding.
I hope you got the message.