1 am a 76 year old mail- i have an enlarged prostate. recently i have found blood when going to the bath room right after having sex with- it would seem to me i still have some seman when i start going to the, and when this is flushed away the bright red blood vanishes ant my urine is clear. this has happened twice , both times as a result of our sexal activity about a month apart. i was told that it could be a result of the strain on my prostate. i had my last psa approx 6 months ago and it was under a three. i have had some lower back on and off for several years and some pain in my hip area. i did have an mri/body and it indicated my prostae was clear. any advice as i;m still worried. also had my bladder checked/scloped in the doctors office, and was told everything look normal. however i read some place that diccomford in the loer back,upper leg and hip/rump area could be a sign of prostate cancer. could you please advise if further checking is nessary? im am still very concerned. thank you very much. joe black 608-868-3413=my e-mail is YYYY@YYYY again thank you .