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muscle pain can be musculoskeletal or nerve-related, but it can be a manifestation of Peripheral Arterial Disease.PAD occurs when major blood vessels that supply blood to the
limbs and other important areas of the body become partially or completely blocked by the buildup of fatty deposits.That means taking recurring leg pain seriously,As you get calf pain when you walk, requiring you to stop and rest, you should get it checked out.
However,PAD is not, in and of itself, a condition that requires aggressive treatment in all people. In those with mild to moderate symptoms, An exercise routine, which can be as simple as a daily walk, is a very effective way to build new vessels and improve circulation -- when the routine is maintained, of course.
smoking must be stopped .
In some patients, medications can be useful, but they do have important side effects that should be weighed carefully with your physician.
Hope this helps!Take care!