Of and on, for several months now, I have been experiencing varying degrees of stomach and abdominal pain . Today, for instance, it feels as if I have been punched in the stomach, I am somewhat distended and it is uncomfortable to breath deeply. Several weeks ago, the pain was lower in the abdomen, and was sharp and stabbing , but mostly after eating. Under most circumstances, the pain will last for several days, subside, then go away completely. I thought I had it pin-pointed to fatty, fried foods, but this occurrence began yesterday after a grilled chicken sandwich and baked fries. My first cousin, on my fathers side, has Crohns and colitis and has had over 1/3 of his intestine removed. Although he is the first and only (as far as we can tell) to have this disease, I am concerned in the heredity nature of the disease. I am uninsured at the present time and have previously been diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy. Any advice would be appreciated.